* Your deposit of $500 will be cashed and deposited to keep your records current.
* You must choose to deposit on either a male or female. You may switch gender, but only behind other depositors on the list.
* The deposit counts toward the purchase price of the pup.
* If a pup of the gender or color you deposited on is not produced your deposit is refunded or you can switch it to another litter.
* Deposits are recorded on a first come first serve basis. If the pup you desire is produced you are expected to complete the purchase. If you do not complete the purchase the deposit is forfeited or applied to another litter. If we do not produce the puppy you have selected, you have the following options:
1. ᅠ A full refund of deposit
2. ᅠ Choice of another available puppy
3. ᅠ Re-apply deposit to a future litter